Following Up is Key
Marketing is commonly associated with finding and generating new clients. That’s important. But an equally important marketing opportunity is to keep-in-touch with prospects, clients and centers-of-influence after you initially connect with people of interest to you and your business.
Keeping-in-touch is powerful. It’s also a challenge. Two factors will make it easier for you.
First, get permission to do this. Having permission means having the attention of someone. That’s key. Without attention to your message, your marketing will fail.
Second, automate your ‘touches’. Use some kind of email autoresponder to regularly ‘drip’ information of relevance to qualified individuals who have so kindly invited you to keep-in-touch.
Together, permission and automation make keeping-in-touch a SYSTEM . . . and a system will bring you much greater success in marketing your services than if you don’t use one.
YOU Rock. You are a great coach and consultant and OUTSTANDING person. Thanks for being one of my role models.