Marketing efforts are an investment of your time, money and energy. Nothing to be taken lightly.

So who deserves all that attention from you? Simple. People who ‘qualify’ to get it.

And how can you tell who that might be? Good question. Two factors to consider, actually . . .

BUY . . . can someone, sooner or later, buy what you offer or sell? If so, marketing to them is a good idea. If they can’t or won’t, it’s not. Simple.

REFER . . . can someone refer you to people who might buy what you offer or, refer them to you? If so, they qualify for your attention as a marketer. But if they can’t refer . . . you defer!


Marketing is an investment of time, money and energy. To ensure a decent ‘return’ on your investment, make sure you market to people who can buy what you’re selling and/or refer you to others who can.

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