Be Negative . . . Really Negative
I’m not suggesting you get moody and depressing. I’m referring to your marketing messages.
Preservation Beats Acquisition
Keeping what we have is more motivating than acquiring what we want but do not have. You know it’s true.
We work harder to maintain what we have — especially if we feel it’s being threatened than we ever do to generate a result that’s better than what we have now. Go figure.
Why ‘Going Negative’ . . . Works
We’re genetically and psychologically programmed to scan for threats to our well-being. That’s why negative messages that alert us to any possible threats always get our attention.
Remember to Relieve!
Getting attention with a negative or threat-based message makes people uncomfortable. Actually, that’s good. You can leverage that to produce a response from prospects designed to relieve their discomfort. But if you make someone uncomfortable, you have a moral imperative to make them feel good again, too. That’s where your offer comes in . . .
Negative messages . . . work!