Quick Recap of My Last Post
Building Your Practice Network — Part 1 of 2, was prompted by a question from a young man who was transitioning from a career as a graphic designer to becoming a financial advisor.
While his financial education was being addressed by his company and CFP studies, he didn’t feel he was learning how to build his practice. Specifically, he was seeking guidance about the best ways to find and grow his clientele.
In the prior post, we set the stage for this post. My biographic ramblings notwithstanding, several points were made by me to this new planner:
It’s imperative that, whatever you do, you do something you love.
Leveraging Your Network To Find Clients
There are several options to connect with prospective clients. I highly recommend finding prospects through introductions from people who know, like and trust you to people they know who look like the people who can best understand, value, desire and afford what you can do for them.
4 Keys of The Preferral Prospecting® System
Actively seeking introductions to prospective clients is far better than waiting passively for referrals to magically ‘show up’. Asking people who know, like and trust us for help connecting with people who could use our services isn’t easy for most of us. But, it’s also not impossible.
A system for generating introductions to people is the ‘secret’ to generating opportunities with new clients on a consistent basis. There are four (4) key elements to such a system:
. . . of someone who looks like the kind of person you know or believe can become a client. The reason for such a profile is to share with other people when you ask them, “Who do you know who . . .”
. . . this is someone who knows, likes and trusts you so well that, if you ask properly, they’d be willing to introduce you to people in their network of connection who fit your profile
. . . this refers to 2 things. First, what you must say and do to help your Sources identify people they know who fit the profile of your Ideal Client. Second, what you must say and do to approach those people and decide if they’re viable for you. Or, not.
. . . If your method suggests a number of actions you must take to ‘make things happen’, your plan helps you orchestrate and coordinate them. Some call this the ‘How Much’ and ‘What Kind’ of activities must you engage in, daily and weekly, to generate the number of prospects that will be come the clients who support your annual revenue goals.
Getting Introduced To Others
There are seven (7) ‘mission critical’ activities that will help you generate introductions to people who look like the kind of people you’d be happy to have as your clients.
I’m assuming you’ve done the work necessary to implement your introduction system. Namely, you have a clear PROFILE of your ideal client, you know people — SOURCES — you can approach to generate introductions to their contacts who look like your PROFILE. Your METHOD — the things you’ll say and do — has been developed and readied to use. So now, the PLAN of what to do when is all that remains to be done.
Six (6) Key Activities
1. Approach your Source/s for a Meeting
You want to begin with people you know well and, vice versa. You can just pick up the phone and ask to meet. Tell them you’re actively building your clientele and would like their input on how to do this most effectively. Most people who know, like and trust you will agree to help and meet with you. You’ll also quickly discover who your real friends are here!
2. Meet with your Source/s
I highly recommend you have a face-to-face meeting with someone if possible. But, if you know someone really, really well or they’re not able to meet with you in-person . . . then a phonetical can work just fine, too.
3. Generate Introductions
this is where your METHOD comes into play. You want to explain that you have a challenge (to grow your clientele) and you’d like their help –– if they’re able to help you (by introducing you to people they know who fit your Profile). This is all covered in detail in this Discussion Guide:
4. Approach Your Introductions
the best way to do this is by snail-mailing a notecard or note on blank paper to each introduction you generate. You simply want to prepare the person for a phone call that you’ll make shortly after they receive your note. Do NOT assume or suggest the person has any need or desire for your products or services. Leverage the relationship you have in-common with the Source with a simple “P.S” like “Prior to my calling, please contact Bill Doerr concerning who I am and what I do. Bill’s number is (860) 798-6964”. Here’s an example of what this might be:

5. Follow-up with Your Introductions . . . about 3 days after you mail them your note of introduction. You’ll want to call these people, introduce yourself, reference the person you know in common (your Source) and see what happens. Generally, there are only three possible outcomes.
“It’ Over!” . . . First, they may not only have ‘no need’ to know more about you / your services but they may already have a great relationship with another planner and have no desire to look at you any further. Congratulate them on their relationship, thank them for their time and hang up. (In time, you can pursue these kinds of people, but for now, keep it simple.)
“Receptive, BUT not now” . . . Second, you may find someone doesn’t have a ‘financial girlfriend’ and also isn’t opposed to knowing you. But they also have no compelling reason to get to know you any better. Today. Again, you weren’t calling to sell them, today. You wanted to find out if they’re the kind of person who might need to know someone in your field . . . probably in the future, right? So ask them to invite you to keep-in-touch over time so that when (not if) a need arises that you can help address . . . you’ll come to mind like candy from a PEZ dispenser — i.e. first and favorably. You’ll need a system to do this — a ‘cultivation’ system. But it’s not hard to set that up and use it to keep-in-touch and top-of-mind with these people who are likely to become someone’s client . . . and you want them to be yours!
“Come on down” . . . Third, you may find yourself talking with someone who, upon learning that you’re a financial advisor, reveals that they’ve been thinking about their financial affairs and were wondering how to address them. These people may give you an appointment! It happens. But not it’s not common on a first call.
6. Follow-up with Your Source/s
If there’s one thing you can do that will make it so easy to generate additional introductions in the future from the person who just helped you to meet someone they know fitting your profile it’s this . . . give your Source a simple update on how their introduction turned out for you.
It’s such a simple courtesy! This one simple action will mark you as someone who has both class and manners. I suggest using a form to be able to make these ‘reports’ to your Sources — e.g.
Using a ‘Follow-Up Report’ form will allow you to do two things:
1. Record . . . what happened with each introduction your Source made for you, and
2. Report . . . back to your Source very easily on what happened with their introductions
The Key To Ongoing Success: Cultivate 240 People!
If you follow this process and grow your contacts being cultivated to about 240 people who agree to be cultivated, you’ll have a steady stream of predictable revenue-generating opportunities . . . each and every month!!
Let’s assume you call each of your well-qualified contacts every 3 months. If so, you’ll be calling about 1/3 of your total contacts EACH month.
If you’re cultivating 240 people, it means you’ll have roughly 80 people you’re to re-call to ’touch base’ with each month.
You won’t connect with 50% of these people (40 people) due to timing issues — yours or theirs. It’s OK. They’ll come back again for another call in 90 days. That leaves you with 40 people who will be reachable.
50% of the remaining people (20 people) will thank you for your thoughtful diligence and follow-up call but have no need, at this time, to talk with you further. OK, they stay in your system and will also come back again in 90 days or so.
The remaining 20 people will either agree to talk with you about their financial matters and/or agree to introduce you to people in their networks who fit your Ideal Client Profile. Remember, these are people who ‘qualified’ to be cultivated in the first place and are growing closer and closer to their ‘need’ and purchase. So stay with them and see what develops!
Assuming you actually end up meeting with 20 people . . . how many will give you introductions . . . possibly half? How many meetings will generate updated ‘facts’ and turn into ‘open cases’ for you? How many open cases will result in a ‘decision meeting’ where you can present a recommendation for someone to buy something from you? What’s your average client transaction worth to you? How many of these do you require to ‘make your numbers’ . . . for the month . . . for the year? See where I’m going with this?
My friend, and I say this not knowing you personally but in a collegial way, you are in a wonderful position to do a great deal of good for others and enjoy a great life and lifestyle for yourself as a financial advisor.
If I can be of any further assistance to you, contact me. I’m delighted to be able to transfer what I’ve learned worked for me on to a new generation of advisors. To download my report on this topic, just visit: bit.ly/1wOx6j6 Enjoy and prosper!
Building a Practice Is Best Done By Design, Not Accident
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