My Values

If you’re considering working with me and my colleagues, I’d like you to know the values we honor.

Why? Because I’d like to believe you care as much about who you work with as what you may be seeking from a business coaching relationship.

Personally, I’ve learned that making decisions and taking actions that affect myself, my family as well as others . . . based on values gained by living through challenging experiences during my time on the planet . . . are the ones that guide me to live a life with meaning, dignity, and honor.

Below, you’ll find values that guide me to build and maintain the most important asset we all have in our business and personal life . . . valued relationships with people who know, like and trust us.  Our clients.

I hope you find my values resonate with you and help you take that all-important ‘Next Step’ to get to know me, my colleagues and what we do for our clients better than you do now.


Bill Doerr, CCO

Learning Is Good

If you stop getting better, you cease being good.  The world is constantly changing.  Change is a strong current and we’re swimming upstream.  Stop learning and we fall behind where we once were. That, would not be good.

Clients Are Precious

Clients support us.  They alone contribute to our bottom line.  All else is overhead.  We have a fiduciary responsibility to address our clients’ needs, desires, hopes and fears.  Our clients are earned and retained by thoughtful and deliberate actions taken with their interests being paramount at all times.

Service To Others 

We are in this world with other people.  Not by accident.  By design.  We believe we are all brothers and sisters in a family of spiritual beings. As we care and protect our physical family, we are called to serve others, to lift them up and make their lives better by whatever service we can offer them.  To us, service is Love.  Love is good.  Always.

Talents Are Gifts To Be Shared

To whom much is given, much is expected.  Having been the beneficiary of others — genetically and intentionally — we humbly and gratefully accept our responsibility to ‘give back’ in any way we can to make the world better for all.

Treat People Honestly, Respectfully and Fairly

Honesty is a way to sleep peacefully.  Deception is an ugly form of evil. Respect reflects that we acknowledge we’re not the center of the universe.  It’s about perspective.  There are many points of view.  Ours is not the only one.  Treating people fairly doesn’t mean equally.  Words that roll off the back of one can also cut another to the quick of their soul.  We seek to understand who you are before we decide what is best to do and how.

Own It!

You can’t fix what you don’t accept.  The quality of our life reflects our actions or, lack of them.  If someone does something that harms us and ‘it’s not our fault’, it’s still the decisions we make and actions we take in response to a trespass that determine how it will affect us.  As the poet William Lovelace once penned, “Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage”.  Life is what we make it.  It is our choice to make it a better life for everyone we serve that creates a life filled with meaning, dignity, and honor.

Life Is Short And Precious

Yesterday is gone.  Tomorrow may not happen.  We never know if today will be our last day.  Today is a precious opportunity to ‘do good’ while we can.  Carpe diem!

Do Your Best, Always

There will always be people who are smarter, faster, better at things than we are.  We celebrate them.  (We may hire them, too!)  Our ‘race’ is always with ourselves, not others.  We will never be as good today as we’ll be tomorrow.  We commit to do our best today, however we are able and called to do so, in the service of others.